This notebook is an exercise in the Python course. You can reference the tutorial at this link.

Try It Yourself

There are only three problems in this last set of exercises, but they're all pretty tricky, so be on guard!

Run the setup code below before working on the questions.



After completing the exercises on lists and tuples, Jimmy noticed that, according to his estimate_average_slot_payout function, the slot machines at the Learn Python Casino are actually rigged against the house, and are profitable to play in the long run.

Starting with $200 in his pocket, Jimmy has played the slots 500 times, recording his new balance in a list after each spin. He used Python's matplotlib library to make a graph of his balance over time:

As you can see, he's hit a bit of bad luck recently. He wants to tweet this along with some choice emojis, but, as it looks right now, his followers will probably find it confusing. He's asked if you can help him make the following changes:

  1. Add the title "Results of 500 slot machine pulls"
  2. Make the y-axis start at 0.
  3. Add the label "Balance" to the y-axis

After calling type(graph) you see that Jimmy's graph is of type matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot. Hm, that's a new one. By calling dir(graph), you find three methods that seem like they'll be useful: .set_title(), .set_ylim(), and .set_ylabel().

Use these methods to complete the function prettify_graph according to Jimmy's requests. We've already checked off the first request for you (setting a title).

(Remember: if you don't know what these methods do, use the help() function!)

Bonus: Can you format the numbers on the y-axis so they look like dollar amounts? e.g. $200 instead of just 200.

(We're not going to tell you what method(s) to use here. You'll need to go digging yourself with dir(graph) and/or help(graph).)

2. 🌶️🌶️

This is a very hard problem. Feel free to skip it if you are short on time:

Luigi is trying to perform an analysis to determine the best items for winning races on the Mario Kart circuit. He has some data in the form of lists of dictionaries that look like...

    {'name': 'Peach', 'items': ['green shell', 'banana', 'green shell',], 'finish': 3},
    {'name': 'Bowser', 'items': ['green shell',], 'finish': 1},
    # Sometimes the racer's name wasn't recorded
    {'name': None, 'items': ['mushroom',], 'finish': 2},
    {'name': 'Toad', 'items': ['green shell', 'mushroom'], 'finish': 1},

'items' is a list of all the power-up items the racer picked up in that race, and 'finish' was their placement in the race (1 for first place, 3 for third, etc.).

He wrote the function below to take a list like this and return a dictionary mapping each item to how many times it was picked up by first-place finishers.

He tried it on a small example list above and it seemed to work correctly:

However, when he tried running it on his full dataset, the program crashed with a TypeError.

Can you guess why? Try running the code cell below to see the error message Luigi is getting. Once you've identified the bug, fix it in the cell below (so that it runs without any errors).

Hint: Luigi's bug is similar to one we encountered in the tutorial when we talked about star imports.

3. 🌶️

Suppose we wanted to create a new type to represent hands in blackjack. One thing we might want to do with this type is overload the comparison operators like > and <= so that we could use them to check whether one hand beats another. e.g. it'd be cool if we could do this:

>>> hand1 = BlackjackHand(['K', 'A'])
>>> hand2 = BlackjackHand(['7', '10', 'A'])
>>> hand1 > hand2

Well, we're not going to do all that in this question (defining custom classes is a bit beyond the scope of these lessons), but the code we're asking you to write in the function below is very similar to what we'd have to write if we were defining our own BlackjackHand class. (We'd put it in the __gt__ magic method to define our custom behaviour for >.)

Fill in the body of the blackjack_hand_greater_than function according to the docstring.

The end

You've finished the Python course. Congrats!

As always, if you have any questions about these exercises, or anything else you encountered in the course, come to the Learn Forum.

You probably didn't put in all these hours of learning Python just to play silly games of chance, right? If you're interested in applying your newfound Python skills to some data science tasks, check out some of our other Kaggle Courses. Some good next steps are:

  1. Machine learning with scikit-learn
  2. Pandas for data manipulation
  3. Deep learning with TensorFlow

Happy Pythoning!

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