This notebook is an exercise in the Data Visualization course. You can reference the tutorial at this link.

In this exercise, you'll explore different chart styles, to see which color combinations and fonts you like best!


Run the next cell to import and configure the Python libraries that you need to complete the exercise.

The questions below will give you feedback on your work. Run the following cell to set up our feedback system.

You'll work with a chart from the previous tutorial. Run the next cell to load the data.

Try out seaborn styles

Run the command below to try out the "dark" theme.

Now, try out different themes by amending the first line of code and running the code cell again. Remember the list of available themes:

This notebook is your playground -- feel free to experiment as little or as much you wish here! The exercise is marked as complete after you run every code cell in the notebook at least once.

Keep going

Learn about how to select and visualize your own datasets in the next tutorial!

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