This notebook is an exercise in the Pandas course. You can reference the tutorial at this link.


Now you are ready to get a deeper understanding of your data.

Run the following cell to load your data and some utility functions (including code to check your answers).



What is the median of the points column in the reviews DataFrame?


What countries are represented in the dataset? (Your answer should not include any duplicates.)


How often does each country appear in the dataset? Create a Series reviews_per_country mapping countries to the count of reviews of wines from that country.


Create variable centered_price containing a version of the price column with the mean price subtracted.

(Note: this 'centering' transformation is a common preprocessing step before applying various machine learning algorithms.)


I'm an economical wine buyer. Which wine is the "best bargain"? Create a variable bargain_wine with the title of the wine with the highest points-to-price ratio in the dataset.


There are only so many words you can use when describing a bottle of wine. Is a wine more likely to be "tropical" or "fruity"? Create a Series descriptor_counts counting how many times each of these two words appears in the description column in the dataset.


We'd like to host these wine reviews on our website, but a rating system ranging from 80 to 100 points is too hard to understand - we'd like to translate them into simple star ratings. A score of 95 or higher counts as 3 stars, a score of at least 85 but less than 95 is 2 stars. Any other score is 1 star.

Also, the Canadian Vintners Association bought a lot of ads on the site, so any wines from Canada should automatically get 3 stars, regardless of points.

Create a series star_ratings with the number of stars corresponding to each review in the dataset.

Keep going

Continue to grouping and sorting.

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