This notebook is an exercise in the Pandas course. You can reference the tutorial at this link.


Run the following cell to load your data and some utility functions.



What is the data type of the points column in the dataset?


Create a Series from entries in the points column, but convert the entries to strings. Hint: strings are str in native Python.


Sometimes the price column is null. How many reviews in the dataset are missing a price?


What are the most common wine-producing regions? Create a Series counting the number of times each value occurs in the region_1 field. This field is often missing data, so replace missing values with Unknown. Sort in descending order. Your output should look something like this:

Unknown                    21247
Napa Valley                 4480
Bardolino Superiore            1
Primitivo del Tarantino        1
Name: region_1, Length: 1230, dtype: int64

Keep going

Move on to renaming and combining.

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