This notebook is an exercise in the Pandas course. You can reference the tutorial at this link.


Run the following cell to load your data and some utility functions.


View the first several lines of your data by running the cell below:


region_1 and region_2 are pretty uninformative names for locale columns in the dataset. Create a copy of reviews with these columns renamed to region and locale, respectively.


Set the index name in the dataset to wines.


The Things on Reddit dataset includes product links from a selection of top-ranked forums ("subreddits") on Run the cell below to load a dataframe of products mentioned on the /r/gaming subreddit and another dataframe for products mentioned on the r//movies subreddit.

Create a DataFrame of products mentioned on either subreddit.


The Powerlifting Database dataset on Kaggle includes one CSV table for powerlifting meets and a separate one for powerlifting competitors. Run the cell below to load these datasets into dataframes:

Both tables include references to a MeetID, a unique key for each meet (competition) included in the database. Using this, generate a dataset combining the two tables into one.


You've finished the Pandas micro-course. Many data scientists feel efficiency with Pandas is the most useful and practical skill they have, because it allows you to progress quickly in any project you have.

If you'd like to apply your new skills to examining geospatial data, you're encouraged to check out our Geospatial Analysis micro-course.

You can also take advantage of your Pandas skills by entering a Kaggle Competition or by answering a question you find interesting using Kaggle Datasets.

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