In this notebook, we're going to work with dates.

Let's get started!

Get our environment set up

The first thing we'll need to do is load in the libraries and dataset we'll be using. We'll be working with a dataset that contains information on landslides that occured between 2007 and 2016. In the following exercise, you'll apply your new skills to a dataset of worldwide earthquakes.

Now we're ready to look at some dates!

Check the data type of our date column

We begin by taking a look at the first five rows of the data.

We'll be working with the "date" column from the landslides dataframe. Let's make sure it actually looks like it contains dates.

Yep, those are dates! But just because I, a human, can tell that these are dates doesn't mean that Python knows that they're dates. Notice that at the bottom of the output of head(), you can see that it says that the data type of this column is "object".

Pandas uses the "object" dtype for storing various types of data types, but most often when you see a column with the dtype "object" it will have strings in it.

If you check the pandas dtype documentation here, you'll notice that there's also a specific datetime64 dtypes. Because the dtype of our column is object rather than datetime64, we can tell that Python doesn't know that this column contains dates.

We can also look at just the dtype of a column without printing the first few rows:

You may have to check the numpy documentation to match the letter code to the dtype of the object. "O" is the code for "object", so we can see that these two methods give us the same information.

Convert our date columns to datetime

Now that we know that our date column isn't being recognized as a date, it's time to convert it so that it is recognized as a date. This is called "parsing dates" because we're taking in a string and identifying its component parts.

We can pandas what the format of our dates are with a guide called as "strftime directive", which you can find more information on at this link. The basic idea is that you need to point out which parts of the date are where and what punctuation is between them. There are lots of possible parts of a date, but the most common are %d for day, %m for month, %y for a two-digit year and %Y for a four digit year.

Some examples:

Looking back up at the head of the "date" column in the landslides dataset, we can see that it's in the format "month/day/two-digit year", so we can use the same syntax as the first example to parse in our dates:

Now when I check the first few rows of the new column, I can see that the dtype is datetime64. I can also see that my dates have been slightly rearranged so that they fit the default order datetime objects (year-month-day).

Now that our dates are parsed correctly, we can interact with them in useful ways.

landslides['date_parsed'] = pd.to_datetime(landslides['Date'], infer_datetime_format=True)

Select the day of the month

Now that we have a column of parsed dates, we can extract information like the day of the month that a landslide occurred.

If we tried to get the same information from the original "date" column, we would get an error: AttributeError: Can only use .dt accessor with datetimelike values. This is because doesn't know how to deal with a column with the dtype "object". Even though our dataframe has dates in it, we have to parse them before we can interact with them in a useful way.

Plot the day of the month to check the date parsing

One of the biggest dangers in parsing dates is mixing up the months and days. The to_datetime() function does have very helpful error messages, but it doesn't hurt to double-check that the days of the month we've extracted make sense.

To do this, let's plot a histogram of the days of the month. We expect it to have values between 1 and 31 and, since there's no reason to suppose the landslides are more common on some days of the month than others, a relatively even distribution. (With a dip on 31 because not all months have 31 days.) Let's see if that's the case:

Yep, it looks like we did parse our dates correctly & this graph makes good sense to me.

Your turn

Write code to parse the dates in a dataset of worldwide earthquakes.

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