In this notebook, we're going to learn how to clean up inconsistent text entries.

Let's get started!

Get our environment set up

The first thing we'll need to do is load in the libraries and dataset we'll be using.

Do some preliminary text pre-processing

We'll begin by taking a quick look at the first few rows of the data.

Say we're interested in cleaning up the "Country" column to make sure there's no data entry inconsistencies in it. We could go through and check each row by hand, of course, and hand-correct inconsistencies when we find them. There's a more efficient way to do this, though!

Just looking at this, I can see some problems due to inconsistent data entry: ' Germany', and 'germany', for example, or ' New Zealand' and 'New Zealand'.

The first thing I'm going to do is make everything lower case (I can change it back at the end if I like) and remove any white spaces at the beginning and end of cells. Inconsistencies in capitalizations and trailing white spaces are very common in text data and you can fix a good 80% of your text data entry inconsistencies by doing this.

Next we're going to tackle more difficult inconsistencies.

Use fuzzy matching to correct inconsistent data entry

Alright, let's take another look at the 'Country' column and see if there's any more data cleaning we need to do.

It does look like there is another inconsistency: 'southkorea' and 'south korea' should be the same.

We're going to use the fuzzywuzzy package to help identify which strings are closest to each other. This dataset is small enough that we could probably could correct errors by hand, but that approach doesn't scale well. (Would you want to correct a thousand errors by hand? What about ten thousand? Automating things as early as possible is generally a good idea. Plus, it’s fun!)

Fuzzy matching: The process of automatically finding text strings that are very similar to the target string. In general, a string is considered "closer" to another one the fewer characters you'd need to change if you were transforming one string into another. So "apple" and "snapple" are two changes away from each other (add "s" and "n") while "in" and "on" and one change away (rplace "i" with "o"). You won't always be able to rely on fuzzy matching 100%, but it will usually end up saving you at least a little time.

Fuzzywuzzy returns a ratio given two strings. The closer the ratio is to 100, the smaller the edit distance between the two strings. Here, we're going to get the ten strings from our list of cities that have the closest distance to "d.i khan".

We can see that two of the items in the cities are very close to "south korea": "south korea" and "southkorea". Let's replace all rows in our "Country" column that have a ratio of > 47 with "south korea".

To do this, I'm going to write a function. (It's a good idea to write a general purpose function you can reuse if you think you might have to do a specific task more than once or twice. This keeps you from having to copy and paste code too often, which saves time and can help prevent mistakes.)

Now that we have a function, we can put it to the test!

And now let's check the unique values in our "Country" column again and make sure we've tidied up "south korea" correctly.

Excellent! Now we only have "south korea" in our dataframe and we didn't have to change anything by hand.

Your turn!

Therre are still some inconsistencies in the dataset. Continue cleaning the data in a final exercise.

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